Saturday, February 12, 2011

January in Review

1.       Vacation (Aston is remodeling so we actually got three weeks off.  Not sure I would’ve survived otherwise)
2.       Knowing that I will be leaving Hefei in one month
3.       Knowing that my future employers are awesome
4.       Moving a bunch of my stuff down to Huangshan
5.       Watching bootlegged TV series of Mad Men . . .
6.       . . . Friends . . .
7.       . . . Glee
8.       Sesame and peanut powder candy from Huangshan
9.       Snow days that cancelled some classes
10.   Winning the top prize at the Aston Spring Festival party. . . the prize was a juicer that I will likely never use

1.       Central heating
2.       Carpets
3.       My warm and cozy bed at home
4.       Sitting in front of the fire at the cabin
5.       Showers that stay hot for longer than 15 minutes
6.       Adequate cold weather shoes
7.       Knowing that if there’s a power outage it’s because of weather and not because Aston forgot to pay the bill
8.       Warm weather
9.       My sanity
10.   My friends and family

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